Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Hope You Had a "Hoppy" Easter!!!

Christ the Lord is risen today...Allelulia!

Our Easter Morning started out the same way it usually does. Kids waking up way too early after Mom stayed up way too late! Hunting for eggs never seems to bore the kids and it was extra fun this year to watch little Abby running around collecting eggs. The kids were so sweet to her and let her gather more eggs than they did. Even Jack showed her where some were instead of taking them all for himself. I guess that's what it should all be about. Selflessness. Just as Jesus died on the cross for us. Thinking of others before yourself. I'd like to think that was the main motivation behind my little "bunnies" behavior, but I'm sure knowing that they would get most of Abby's candy when it was all said and done didn't hurt!

After egg hunting came the mad dash to not only get to church, but to make it to church EARLY! That seems to be a near impossible task most Sundays, but we managed to arrive 15 minutes early. We still had to sit in chairs so we could be together, but that was okay. If only Chloe hadn't decided she suddenly hated her dress and pout the entire mass, it would have been a much more joyous time!

After church we were on to lunch at Barb & John's (Doug's parents). It was nice to get to sit and chat while the kids played. Abby actually took a rare nap, so I got extra time to relax. That was MY Easter present! Then, we were on to my parent's house where chaos usually abounds. I guess you'll have that with 13 kids under the age of 13 all hopped up on sugar! My Mom still loves to spoil us with Easter baskets filled to the brim with candy she's spent all week making and little gifts for the kids. I often wonder if she knows just how much we appreciate all the extra effort she goes to! She's also like that on St. Nick's...she always finds just the right things to fill our stockings. Those are the memories I hold dear and hope my kids will always remember.
We hope you had a wonder-filled Easter, too!


Shelly said...

Speaking of a basket overflowing with mom-made goodies... how about that walk?!

That picture of Abby is too cute and Jack looks like he's none too thrilled with the new appendages growing out of his head.

Beth said...

Jack's is actually from last year...before he got wise to me and wouldn't come even close to putting on those fuzzy, girly ears!

Now, about that walk!!!