Monday, July 20, 2009


Okay, I know...I've been missing from posting on this blog for ages now! I have had so much going on since Easter that I haven't taken the time to write it all down on this site. Even though we've been very busy, it's all seemed pretty mundane and not all that fun. I guess I figure there's not much worth writing about. Who wants to hear about the end of the school year craziness, the runny noses I've wiped, how many times I've cleaned this house, the wedding videos that I'm working on editing, the tweens in this house who enjoy making me crazy, the potty training toddler, the almost kindergartner who loves sleeping in and watching tv almost more than breathing???

I guess I might just have to post daily, interesting or not! So bear with me on those days that I just don't seem very creative. I'm sure there will be days in between filled with antics from Abby and the funny things Jack says to keep you coming back! And, if I miss a day, just assume my tweens have driven me to the looney bin, k?

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