Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Anybody Still Out There?

Yes, you are still in the right place if you are looking for my blog...I just decided to spruce it up a bit and see how I like it.  So far, so good.  I'm not 100% sure of the neon green, but it's growing on me!  Hopefully the new design will inspire me to write more and post a ton of photos taken over the last year or so.  I have a hard time getting pictures to look right on here, so maybe I'll read up on it and see how it goes.

In the meantime, I hope you're having a great summer so far.  We've been swimming, going to the library, hanging out with friends, going on vacation, playing softball (the girls), coaching softball (Doug), watching softball (me) and avoiding softball (Jack & Abby...and sometimes me)!  The girls and Doug have also managed to squeeze basketball camp in between softball games.  This week we have Bible Camp mixed in with everything else.  We'd still like to get out to Lake Loramie much more, go to the swimming pool more, go the the zoo more (before our pass expires) and just enjoy the lazy days of summer more.  Any ideas on new, fun things to do around here?  We're all about short drives and inexpensive activities!

Enjoy YOUR summer...we're trying to make the most of it around here!